AJC Letter to the Editor: Georgia Power needs better plan in handling coal ash

The Environmental Protection Division should require Georgia Power to responsibly store the company’s toxic coal ash at Plant Hammond in Rome.

Coal ash contains dangerous chemicals and heavy metals. Unsafe levels of arsenic, boron, cobalt and sulfate contaminate the groundwater at Plant Hammond.

Cap-in-place is not an option to safely store coal ash forever. Georgia Power is taking the cheap, short-sighted way out of handling the 92 million tons of toxic mess the company created when burning coal.

Why would citizens choose to leave coal ash in piles where toxic leachate contaminates our water and soil? Citizens expect the EPD and Georgia Power to do the right thing: Excavate the coal ash and contaminated soil and store it in lined landfills.

EPD’s decision is permanent. Be responsible now for protecting our water and our great, great, great-grandchildren.

By: Cynthia Patterson, Marietta, GA



Speakout for Clean Water + Coal Ash Cleanup for Plant Hammond on Aug 10th!


Georgia Power Plans Unsafe Coal Ash Handling at Plant Hammond